The Good news of Jesus Christ is the beating heart of all we do at Zion.
We care about Christ because he first cared and loved us by living, bleeding, dying, and rising for us. At Zion we focus on Christ's credit over anyone else's personal cred. Christ is the center and star of our most important gatherings: worship services as well as small and large group studies and discussions.
We are proud to be part of a worldwide synod that shares the same care, love, and concern for Christ and his Word: the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
We are proud to be part of Gainesville and the greater Gainesville communities. Being a university town, Gainesville is a true marketplace of ideas and we love being an ear and contributor to the discussion.
Some of the ways we express our love for our community:
The Smart Start at Zion program which exists to connect the youngest members of our community to music and language as well as connecting parents, grandparents, and caretakers to one another. Through the last 3+ years of existence Smart Start has become its own unique micro community at Zion and Gainesville. For more information follow our Smart Start at Zion Facebook page.
Partnerships with local non-profits. By strategically focusing on and partnering with local non-profits we are able to make a greater community impact than we can on our own. Our current featured non-profit is the St. Francis House.
Hosting regular blood drives including five scheduled for 2019: January 27, May 5, August 11, October 20, and December 15. We host Lifeblood South for these drives.
Outreach to students at University of Florida and Santa Fe College through the Unplugged Campus Ministry
Where everyone knows your name:
At Zion we desire to maintain our small church feel through personal relationships among fellow guests, members, and Pastor Brian.
"Work of the People" Worship
At Zion we follow a pattern of worship called the "liturgy" which literally means "work of the people." You are invited to Zion not to just sit back and witness a show or concert, but to participate and be the worship community. The pastor and musicians serve as partner-leaders with you in facilitating this worship experience. The pattern of our worship loosely follows an ancient order of worship known as the Western Rite which is both Christ and Bible-centered and connects you not to just our worship community, but to Christians all over the world and generations of Christians that have come before us. The best way to experience our worship is to come check it out!
Emphasis on Instruction
The Lutheran Church has historically been known as "the teaching church." We strive to continue that tradition at Zion through multiple large and small group studies throughout the year.
With just one fulltime staff member--Pastor Brian--Zion is an all hands on deck enterprise with opportunities for you to be involved in using your unique talents to advance Zion's ministry.
You'll quickly notice when you come to Zion that we are a multi-generational church. Children are welcome in our worship services. From the noise of little ones to the out of tune singing from gray-adorned crowns we are reminded in our family worship services that all ages are part of God's family. There is a children's message within the service for the children, but the best lessons for the children come from observing you and whispered helpful explanations in their ears. There are quiet toy bags as well as a nursery to help with squirrelly young ones as well.